Office of the Mayor

Cllr NW Tekile

Cllr N.W Tekile – Mayor

The Mayor is the head of local government in Great Kei Municipality. He is elected by Council every five years and has statutory powers and functions. The Mayor’s main role is to identify the needs of the municipality, and recommend ways to realise those needs by means of the municipality’s Integrated Development Plan and budget. He must also monitor the administration, review the performance of the municipality and oversee service delivery.

The work of the Council is co-ordinated by a Mayor who is elected by Council, he  is assisted by councillors in an Executive Committee ( EXCO which is elected by council). Administratively, the Offices working directly with the Mayor are Communications, Special Programmes Unit and IDP and PMS.

The mayor with a collective executive system has the following statutory powers and functions in terms of the Municipal Structures Act:

  • Presides over EXCO Meetings.
  • Performs the duties, including any ceremonial functions, and exercises the powers delegated to her/him by the municipal council or the executive committee and
  • Determines the date, time and venue of ordinary and special executive committee meetings.

Sections 52 – 59 of the MFMA spells out the responsibilities of Mayors regarding the financial and fiscal affairs of a municipality. The powers and duties assigned to the mayor in the MFMA, may be delegated by the council of the municipality to another member of the executive committee.

  • To oversee the preparation of the Annual Budget
  • Provide political guidance over the budget process and the priorities that must guide the budget
  • Monitor and oversee the chief financial officer and the municipal manager in the exercising of their responsibilities in terms of the Municipal Finance Management Act as provided for in the Act
  • Submit quarterly reports to Council on the implementation of the budget and the financial status of the municipality
  • To take reasonable steps to ensure that the municipality approves its annual budget before the start of the financial year and that the budget and services delivery implementation plan is finalised within 28 days after the approval of the budget.
  • Allow the public access to the service delivery and budget implementation plans of the municipality, by making it available no later than 14 days after the approval of these plans
  • Table the draft budget before the Council.
  • Ensure that the reports to the council will adequately facilitate the council’s oversight functions.