Chairperson: Cllr H Phakamile

The purpose of the Municipal Public Accounts Committee is to strengthen the oversight arrangements in the municipality and to ensure the efficient and effective use of municipal resources.
The Municipal Public Accounts Committee is established in terms of section 79 of the Municipal Structures Act. The Committee performs an oversight function and will accordingly not take decisions on the part of any other Committee established by the Council.
Some of the functions of the MPAC are:
- Consider and evaluate the Municipality’s Annual Report in terms of Sections 127 & 129 of the MFMA and make recommendations to the Council.
- As an oversight committee to make recommendations to the Council when it adopts the oversight report on the annual report in terms of Section 129 of the Municipal Finance Management Act.
- Advise Council in respect of unauthorized, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure in terms of Section 32 of the MFMA as and when so requested by the Council, the Executive Mayor or Municipal Manager.
- Perform its functions taking due care to distinguish between oversight and interference in administration, as envisaged by section 173 (4) and (5) of the Municipal Finance Management Act.
- To perform any other oversight function as may be requested by Council from time to time.