Great Kei Local Municipality Council
Great Kei Municipality is a category B Local Municipality located within the Eastern Cape under the Jurisdiction of Amathole District Municipality with a population of 31 692 (Stats SA 2016)
Composition of Council: Great Kei Municipal Council have a total of thirteen (13) Councillors coming from Seven (7) Wards, that being:
Ward 1 – Chintsa East, Chintsa, Glens (Garrif, Navar, Olive Wood, Irene park etc), Area 16 &17, Tainton /Palana
Ward 2 – Mzwini, Ngxingxolo, Blue water, cefane, slatsha etc.
Ward 3 – Diphini, Nyarha, Soto, Bola, Taiwan, Ncalukeni, Lusizini and Khayelitsha
Ward 4 – Magrangxeni, mzwini, Mangqukela, Lusasa and Belekumntwana, Chicago
Ward 5 – Morgans Bay, Haga-haga and Kei Mouth, Icwili, Gxarha and Gugura farms
Ward 6- Qumrha Town, & the Old Location
Ward 7 Siviwe Township, Peace Village, Zone10 & Draaibosch
Great Kei Local Municipality is a Collective Executive Municipality with Three ( 3) Executive Members propositional nominated within the Council and has also a Troika is comprised of:
Honourable Mayor: Cllr N.W Tekile,
Honourable Council Speaker: N Mgema and,
Honourable Council Whip: Cllr Z Nzuzo