Ordinary Council Meeting
Ordinary Council meeting
Today the Hon Speaker of GKM, Cllr N Mgema presided over an ordinary council meeting at the Qumrha Town Hall.
Items for council consideration which were presented by Hon Mayor Cllr NW Tekile were:
Main items for Consideartion were the Draft IDP as well as Draft Budget for 2024/25
Report on Recruitment
Report on Labour Related Matters
Report on time and Attendance
Report on Monthly budget statement- Section 71 Report
SCM implementation Report
Asset Management Report
Employee Costs Report
ICT Report
Draft IDP
These items were presented, deliberated on and all noted.
The Honourable Mayor also introduced a special guest, Mr Malixole Kalideni, a resident of Qumrha – Ward 7 – who will be leaving the country in the next 2 weeks as he heads of to the United Kingdom in London where he will be representing the Old Selbornian Club at the London Marathon (42 KM).
The Honourable Mayor wished the young man well. Cllr Tekile also pledged that the municipality would in the next few weeks ensure that he gets support in terms of any items that he may need, “in as much as we are financially restricted because of Cost Containment measures, the Administration as led by the MM, Mr Mambila will ensure that we do our level best to secure assistance for this young man, you will be Flying the Great Kei Flag high and GKM is fully behind you”
The London Marathon will be on the 21 April 2024.